Major Airport improvements planned
As the Port of Hood River plans major, multi-phased airport improvements, the agency received word it would receive over $2.5 million in state and federal grant funding for upgrades to the south taxiway and the north ramp and apron.
Port Facilities crew tackles many challenges in 2016
The past year brought with it some remarkable events – and remarkable challenges – for the Port of Hood River Maintenance and Facilities crew.
Bridge Time
The Hood River/White Salmon Interstate Bridge opened on December 9, 1924, when Calvin Coolidge was President. Within a year, 79,545 cars, 67 stage coaches and 3,920 livestock had crossed the river. In 1939 the lift span was installed due to construction of Bonneville Dam. World War II began that year in Europe. (photo courtesy of Blaine Franger)
Lower Mill redevelopment nearing completion
With just three remaining items to complete for infrastructure development on the 11-acre Lower Mill site in Odell, the Port of Hood River moves closer to lot sales. Three of four industrial lots will soon be available for purchase, ranging in size from 1.9 to 4.76 acres.
New signage plan for bridge
The Port of Hood River is executing its new Signage Master Plan for the Hood River Interstate Bridge that implements bridge signage recommendations of the Bridge Signage Needs Assessment created last year.
Around the Port
Stories Include; Bridge lighting upgrade, Farewell to Laurie and Liz, Waterfront development update, New Bridge tolling system, Waterfront parking plan...
Message from Port Commision President Brian Shortt
As the current commission president, I’m pleased with what the Port of Hood River accomplished this past year. The waterfront continued to expand with new developments and increased year-round public use of the waterfront trail and parks.
Year in Review
A comprehensive month by month recap of Port related activities in 2016
Financial State of the Port
The Port of Hood River’s current financial condition is summarized in this overview based on the detailed Audit Report for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2016. Two key government-wide statements specify the Port’s Net Position and changes.